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Small Batch Friendly Focused Products: From Organic Baby Clothes, Tote Bags and Pillows to Stickers, Gift Labels and Plush Toys

The Squarenimals are Good Folk. Homegrown in Greenwich Village with individual talents and quirks, they accept
each other for who they are and know that together, they’re better. And they are your friends. Get to know them.

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meet your friends

Prefers to lead rather than follow. Is passionate and personable and always puts friends first.

Prefers to lead rather than follow. Is passionate and personable and always puts friends first.

Funny with a great toothy laugh. Always sees the light side of things and makes smiles happen.

Funny with a great toothy laugh. Always sees the light side of things and makes smiles happen.

Always dreaming big like the vast blue sky. A trusted friend who is always there to lend a wing to lean on.

Always dreaming big like the vast blue sky. A trusted friend who is always there to lend a wing to lean on.

Full of boundless energy, always busy designing something beautiful. A fearless friend that encourages creativity.

Full of boundless energy, always busy designing something beautiful. A fearless friend that encourages creativity.

Big heart and a bigger sweet tooth. Loves most to be around friends and ice cream.

Big heart and a bigger sweet tooth. Loves most to be around friends and ice cream.

A pure athlete, with quick and nimble feet. Loves all things fast.

A pure athlete, with quick and nimble feet. Loves all things fast.

Polite and charming, prefers tea at noon and fluffernutters with the crusts cut off.

Polite and charming, prefers tea at noon and fluffernutters with the crusts cut off.

Identical twins with twice the passion for food and friends. They stick raspberries on their finger tips before they eat them and spread love to all.

Identical twins with twice the passion for food and friends. They stick raspberries on their finger tips before they eat them and spread love to all.

A natural story teller, who wants to know more. About everything. Loves to get lost in a book.

A natural story teller, who wants to know more. About everything. Loves to get lost in a book.

Independent and loves to travel. Comes with a little mischief and the confidence to handle the unexpected.

Independent and loves to travel. Comes with a little mischief and the confidence to handle the unexpected.

Courageous, daring and full of extreme adventure. Lives life as an endless summer, always looking for a thrill.

Courageous, daring and full of extreme adventure. Lives life as an endless summer, always looking for a thrill.

Loves to draw as much as loving to chat. Can always be found with a pencil in hand, a scribble pad and a tale to tell.

Loves to draw as much as loving to chat. Can always be found with a pencil in hand, a scribble pad and a tale to tell.